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Disability Needs Calculator

Find out if you need coverage to help protect your paycheck if you're unable to work for a period of time.

Answer a few quick questions to see if you need disability insurance to help protect your paycheck, the things you value, and make sure you meet your financial goals.

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Income & Savings

More than half of Americans couldn't cover three months of expenses with an emergency fund.1

* = required field
Take home pay is the amount you receive in your paycheck after taxes.
Your spouse or partner’s take home pay is the amount they receive in their paycheck after taxes.
This could be checking or savings accounts, or investment accounts.


How much do you spend each month on things like rent, mortgage, groceries, childcare, car payments and medical premiums? Other examples of monthly expenses are: Utilities, retirement contributions, entertainment, going to restaurants, auto & home insurance premiums or cell phone bills

* = required field
Add all your regular monthly expenses up and enter the total here.

How much money would be left if you couldn't work?

If you were out of work for 3 months
Amount of income/savings
you would have left
If you were out of work for 6 months
Amount of income/savings
you would have left
Based on your answers, you would not be able to cover your expenses if you were disabled by an illness or injury.
You should consider choosing a disability plan.
Based on your answers, you could use your savings to cover some of your expenses if you were disabled by an illness or injury, but you could add disability insurance to help protect your income, too.
Aflac Duck
  • 1
    1. Income & Savings
  • 2
    2. Expenses
  • 3
    3. Your Results
Disability Insurance Video