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Hospital Insurance

Our hospital insurance helps with the expenses not covered by major medical, which can help prevent high deductibles and out‐of‐pocket expenses from derailing your life plans. Choosing the right combination of benefits can be hard. Let Aflac help make it easier.

Ask your employer about Aflac Hospital insurance. This product is available through worksite payroll deduction only.

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Hospital Insurance

Our hospital insurance helps with the expenses not covered by major medical, which can help prevent high deductibles and out‐of‐pocket expenses from derailing your life plans. Choosing the right combination of benefits can be hard. Let Aflac help make it easier.

Ask your employer about Aflac Hospital insurance. This product is available through worksite payroll deduction only.

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Family cooking dinner and playing with their children

Trouble strikes.

You suddenly experience a sharp pain in your side and go to an urgent care clinic, where you’re diagnosed with appendicitis.

Doctor discussing treatment plans with patient

You find yourself in the emergency room.

You’re taken by ambulance to the emergency room, where lab tests and diagnostic exams report back that you need surgery right away.

Person using a cellular telephone

Aflac helps take the sting out.

After a 3-day stay in the hospital you’re feeling much better, but hospital bills add up quickly. Cash benefits are paid directly to you (unless otherwise assigned), which can help ease the financial stress of your illness.

Father helping his son learn how to ride a bicycle

You get your money fast.

Claims made on your Aflac Choice2 policy are paid fast.

You’ve Got This

It’s time to activate peace of mind for you or your employees.

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weekly rates as low as a "Get Well Soon" card.3

Aflac duck with get well soon card