Accidents can be costly expenditures, and not everyone has a rainy-day fund ready for use. Accident insurance is worth it if you are looking for extra financial support when an unexpected event happens. Certain individuals may especially benefit from getting supplemental accident insurance. Read on to discover why accident insurance coverage is worth it.
Accident insurance is a type of supplemental insurance that works with your major medical insurance plan to provide more holistic coverage in the event of an accident. During a health event, your primary health insurance plan may cover some but not all of your needed treatments and procedures.
It’s not uncommon to face hefty out-of-pocket costs after an accident occurs. Accident insurance works alongside your primary medical plan to help minimize those out-of-pocket expenses. This is one of the many reasons supplemental accident insurance is worth it.
It’s important to note that Aflac offers both payroll-deducted and personal accident insurance. Sometimes, employers offer payroll-deducted accident insurance for their employees in case an accident happens on the job. On the other hand, direct-billed accident insurance may be worth it if you have the means to purchase an accident insurance plan.
Don’t wait until it’s too late. Help cover yourself and your family with affordable coverage from Aflac.
Every accident insurance plan is different, but typically you can expect some level of coverage for the following scenarios:
If you have additional questions about what accident insurance covers, you can always reach out to an Aflac agent for more information. Plans have limitation and exclusions.
Accident insurance costs vary depending on which company you choose. At Aflac, accident insurance rates are relatively low and fit into most budgets easily. For a better idea of what costs may look like, chat with an agent to discuss your financial goals.
There are a handful of individuals that may specifically benefit from having an accident insurance policy:
After reviewing how accident insurance works and who it benefits, you may have a better idea of its benefits. You still may be unsure if Aflac Accident Insurance insurance is worth it for you. If so, reach out to an agent or explore more resources about this type of supplemental insurance.
1-4 eHealth - Accident insurance: Protecting you when the unexpected happens. Updated March 15, 2024. Accessed May 22nd, 2024.
5 Medicare Supplement - Covering Health Costs for High-Risk Jobs. Updated October 30, 2023. Accessed May 22nd, 2024.
Coverage underwritten by American Family Life Assurance Company of Columbus. In New York, coverage is underwritten by American Family Life Assurance Company of New York.
Accident: A36000: In Delaware, Policies A36100DE—A36400DE, & A363OFDE. In Idaho, Policies A36100ID–A36400ID, & A363OFID. In Oklahoma, Policies A36100OK– A36400OK, & A363OFOK. In Virginia, Policies A36100VA – A36400VA, & A363OFVA. 37000: In DE, Policies A371AA & A371BA. In ID, Policy A37000ID. In OK, Policy A37000OK. In VA, Policies A371AAVA & A371BAVA.
Coverage underwritten by Tier One Insurance Company. Tier Once Insurance Company is part of the Aflac family of insurers. In California, Tier One Insurance does business as Tier One Insurance Life Insurance Company (Tier One NAIC 92908). In Delaware, Policy T37000. In Idaho, Policies T37100IDR, T37200IDR, & T37300IDR.In Oklahoma, Policy T37000OK.
This is a brief product overview only. Coverage may not be available in all states including but not limited to DE, ID, NJ, NM, NY, or VA. Benefits/premium rates may vary based on plan selected. Optional riders are available at an additional cost. The policy has limitations and exclusions that may affect benefits payable. Refer to the policy for complete details, limitations, and exclusions. For costs and complete details of the coverage, please contact your local Aflac agent.
The content herein is provided for general informational purposes and is not provided as tax, legal, health or financial advice for any person or for any specific situation. Employers, employees and other individuals should contact their own advisers about their situations.
Aflac WWHQ | Tier One Insurance Company | 1932 Wynnton Road | Columbus, GA 31999
EXP 6/25