This fixed indemnity policy may pay you a limited dollar amount if you’re sick or hospitalized. You’re still responsible for paying the cost of your care.
Our hospital insurance helps with the expenses not covered by major medical, which can help prevent high deductibles and out‐of‐pocket expenses.
Aflac Hospital insurance is available through worksite payroll deduction only.
Start My QuoteChoosing the right combination of benefits can be hard. Let Aflac help make it easier.
You suddenly experience a sharp pain in your side and go to an urgent care clinic, where you’re diagnosed with appendicitis.
You’re taken by ambulance to the emergency room, where lab tests and diagnostic exams report that you need surgery.
You’re hospital bills add up quickly. Cash benefits are paid directly to you (unless otherwise assigned), to ease the financial stress.
Claims made on your Aflac Choice1 policy are paid fast.