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Can I Get Life Insurance for Grandparents?

Life insurance is not just for insuring yourself. You can apply for a policy on loved ones to help protect yourself if their passing could impact you financially. For example, you may decide to get a policy for one or more of your grandparents. This can help you cover end-of-life costs when they pass away, pay off their outstanding debts, or to receive other financial assistance. Let’s dive deeper into how getting life insurance for grandparents works and explore some policy types you can consider.

How life insurance for grandparents works

Life insurance for grandparents involves applying for a policy to insure a grandparent and naming yourself as the beneficiary. Even though your grandparent is insured, you are responsible for paying premiums. If your grandparent passes away during the policy term, you can receive the policy’s death benefit.

What you’ll need to get life insurance for your grandparents

In general, you must meet three requirements to get life insurance for grandparents:1

  • Insurable interest: You must have an insurable interest in your grandparent. This means their passing could create financial strain or loss.

  • Justification for policy amount: In addition to insurable interest, you must select a policy amount that fits your needs. Life insurance is designed primarily to help protect against loss, so insurers will generally let you get a policy if the amount is reasonable. For example, if you only need enough to cover your grandparent’s end-of-life costs, a final expense insurance policy may be the best option.

  • Consent: You must have the consent of the grandparent you’re insuring to take out a life insurance policy on them. They must participate in the application process and may have to go through a medical exam unless they are eligible for a no-exam policy.

Types of life insurance policies for your grandparents

Here are some of your options for helping to cover your grandparents with life insurance:

Term life insurance

Term life insurance offers coverage for 10, 20, or 30 years, depending on your choice. It can expire if your grandparent outlives the policy, meaning you’ll need to renew coverage or get a new policy. However, premiums are typically reasonable.

Whole life insurance

Whole life insurance is a type of permanent policy that charges higher premiums but can cover your grandparents for life. It also has a cash value component, which grows tax-deferred at a fixed interest rate. Once you accumulate enough cash value, you can typically take out low-rate, no-credit-check loans or withdraw money. You can also surrender the policy if you no longer need coverage and get the cash surrender value minus surrender charges.

Final expense insurance

Final expense insurance, also called burial insurance, is a small-dollar whole life policy to help cover end-of-life expenses, such as funeral costs and medical bills. These policies usually offer:

  • Small death benefits
  • Reasonable premiums
  • Lifelong coverage
  • Cash value
  • No medical exam

Guaranteed issue life insurance

Guaranteed issue life insurance is a small whole life insurance policy that approves all applicants that meet certain criteria. These policies offer many of the same features as final expense insurance, but in addition to skipping the medical exam, there are no medical questions on the application. These policies require waiting one to two years before your full coverage kicks in. If your grandparent passes away during this waiting period, beneficiaries usually receive a premium refund instead of the death benefit.

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How much does life insurance for grandparents cost?

Final expense insurance is a common policy for grandparents. Here are some average costs for $10,000 in final expense insurance coverage for healthy men 50 and up:2

Age Average Monthly Premium
50 $47
60 $63
70 $97
80 $197

Here are some average costs for the same coverage for healthy women 50 and up:2

Age Average Monthly Premium
50 $34
60 $49
70 $73
80 $158

How to choose the best life insurance policy

Consider the following factors when shopping for the best life insurance policy for your grandparents:

Consider your financial needs

Many get life insurance for their grandparents to help cover end-of-life costs. A final expense or guaranteed issue life insurance policy may work best in these cases to reduce premiums and get coverage for life. However, if your grandparent provides significant financial support, or if you’ll need to help the other grandparent when the insured passes away, you may need a larger death benefit to help cover those needs.

Determine your budget

You must balance financial goal considerations with your budget. Permanent life insurance policies tend to cost more per dollar of coverage compared to term life insurance policies, so term life insurance may be the best option for maximizing coverage on a budget.

However, suppose you don’t need a large amount of coverage. In that case, small guaranteed issue whole life insurance policies have competitive overall premiums, even if the coverage per dollar is lower.

Decide on the policy length

Determine whether you need guaranteed coverage for the remainder of your insured grandparent’s life or only for a fixed period. The former situation may require a permanent life insurance policy, such as whole or guaranteed issue life insurance. Meanwhile, term life insurance may work better in the latter circumstances.

Consider the age and health of your grandparents

Age and health are two of the most crucial life insurance underwriting factors impacting premiums and approvals. Getting a policy for older grandparents with health issues may result in higher premiums or lower coverage limits. That said, policies like final expense or guaranteed issue life insurance don’t require medical exams, which may help if your grandparent has health issues or prefers not to take the exam.

Get a life insurance quote today

People can get life insurance for their grandparents, but the best type of policy and amount of coverage allowed can vary. If you want to learn more about insuring your grandparents or are ready to find a life insurance policy, speak with an Aflac agent today to explore some options and get a quote.

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