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Life Insurance for Overweight People

Life insurance can help people from all walks of life protect their loved ones, save, and help create financial security. Since body weight can impact health, this is one of the factors insurers evaluate when you apply for a policy. Although what is considered a healthy weight can vary, insurers use a few criteria to determine if an applicant is overweight. This article explains how life insurance works for overweight people and some options for finding the best rates on the coverage you need.

How does life insurance for overweight people work?

Life insurance for overweight people works just like regular life insurance, providing a death benefit to loved ones in case you pass away. However, since being overweight is linked to several health conditions it may cause premiums and coverage options to vary.1 Being overweight can place an applicant in a higher risk category, which impacts how the insurer evaluates your information during underwriting.

Factors that can impact your life insurance rates

Several weight-related factors can influence your life insurance rates:

Body Mass Index (BMI)

Body Mass Index, or BMI, is a numerical value calculated based on height and weight.1 It is used to indirectly estimate the amount of body fat an applicant has. BMI spans across the following categories:2

  • Underweight: Less than 18.5
  • Healthy weight: 18.5 – 24.9
  • Overweight: 25 – 29.9
  • Obese: 30 and higher

BMI is accurate for many, but not everyone. For example, athletes or active individuals may have more muscle mass, which can lead to an Overweight BMI reading despite not having higher levels of body fat.3 This is why insurers look at other factors as well.

Height-to-weight ratio

Insurers may calculate your height-to-weight ratio in addition to BMI. This simply measures your height against your weight, allowing the insurer to compare the ratio against other data for risk classification. Again, this method is not accurate for everyone. People with more muscle mass may have a lower height-to-weight ratio despite being in excellent shape and having less body fat.

Medical conditions

A personal or family health history of pre-existing conditions may increase your life insurance rates, especially if related to being overweight. Conditions linked to being overweight include:1

  • High blood pressure
  • Heart disease
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Stroke
  • Osteoarthritis

Other risk factors

Other factors partially or not related to weight can influence premiums:3

  • Age: Premiums increase as you age. However, once you purchase a policy, you generally lock in your premiums as long as you maintain coverage.

  • Gender: Men pay more for life insurance than women due to a statistically lower life expectancy.

  • Job: More dangerous jobs, such as first responders and construction workers, may face higher premiums.

  • Lifestyle: Riskier hobbies, such as skydiving or car racing, can result in higher premiums.

  • Smoking status: Smokers pay more than nonsmokers for life insurance.
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How much does life insurance for overweight and obese individuals cost?

Here are some average life insurance rates for a 5’3”, 30-year-old woman purchasing a 20-year, $100,000 term policy:4

Weight Monthly Premiums
140 lbs $11
232 lbs $15
255 lbs $19
282 lbs $23
More than 282 lbs Not available

Can I be denied life insurance if I’m overweight?

You can still qualify for life insurance if overweight. However, insurers may charge higher rates for the higher health-related risk levels associated with being overweight. That said, you may still qualify for better rates if overweight, depending on how overweight you are and other factors discussed earlier.

Tips for getting life insurance coverage at reasonable rates

Those who are overweight or obese can increase their options for coverage at reasonable rates by using a few tactics:

Work with an independent agent

Independent insurance agents help you navigate the life insurance process, gather quotes to compare, and pick a good policy. Insurers pay them a commission on policies sold, meaning you don’t owe anything. However, since they’re independent, they’re not committed to helping a single insurer. Some agents have more experience helping overweight people or those with medical conditions, so working with them can make finding a suitable policy at budget-friendly rates easier.

Shop around

Insurers calculate risk differently and must compete for new policyholders. This means you can shop around for multiple quotes and pick the one with the best rates on your needed coverage. Agents can handle much of this for you and explain each quote, saving you time and making it easier for you to pick the coverage you need.

Consider life insurance with no medical exam

No-exam life insurance lets you apply for coverage without taking a medical exam. This reduces the impact of your health on your rates and speeds up the process since the medical exam typically stretches the process out by weeks. No-exam policy options include:

  • Simplified Issue life insurance: This policy offers low premiums, a small death benefit, lifelong coverage, and cash value. There may be some medical questions on the application, but you don’t have to take an exam.

  • Final expense insurance: This policy offers a small amount of lifelong coverage for low premiums to cover funeral costs, medical bills, and other end-of-life expenses. It also comes with cash value.

  • Guaranteed issue life insurance: This approves everyone and asks no medical questions on the application. It has a small death benefit, low premiums, lifelong coverage, and cash value. You must pass the one to two-year waiting period before coverage is fully active. If you pass away during this period, the insurer will refund premiums to your beneficiaries but not pay the death benefit.

Maintain a healthy diet and exercise consistently

A healthy diet and consistent exercise can benefit your life insurance search in a few ways:

  • It can reduce your weight: A balanced diet and regular exercise can cause you to burn fat, reducing your weight and subsequently your life insurance risk.

  • It shows weight management: Demonstrating proof that you’re working to manage your weight and improve your health can cause the insurer to consider you less risky.

  • It mitigates disease: Even if you’re overweight, regular exercise and healthy eating can improve cardiovascular health, muscle mass, mental health, and other health indicators. These can all reduce your risk of disease.

Get a life insurance quote

Although being overweight or obese may lead to higher life insurance rates, you still have plenty of options. Plus, shopping around and taking action to reduce and manage your weight can provide you with more choices.

If you have more life insurance questions or you’re looking for a policy that fits your situation and budget, speak with an Aflac agent to learn more and get a quote.

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