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How Much Does a Dental Cleaning Cost?

Dentists perform a range of procedures for patients, but the most common is the routine dental cleaning. These procedures typically don’t require frequent visits and are crucial to maintaining good oral health. They are generally affordable compared to other dental procedures, but dental insurance can help cover the full cost alongside coverage for other treatments. Let’s dive deeper into how dental cleanings work and their costs with and without insurance to help you determine if a dental policy is right for you.

How dental cleanings work

Dental cleanings are a standard procedure in which a dentist or dental hygienist examines and cleans your teeth to help you maintain good oral health. Hygienists often perform the cleanings, whereas the dentist will come by at the end and check your teeth more quickly. Here’s what to expect during a dental cleaning:1

  • Physical exam: The hygienist uses a small dental mirror to examine your mouth. They’ll look for plaque, tartar, signs of gingivitis, and other potential problems. They may call in the dentist if they uncover major issues.

  • Plaque and tartar removal: The hygienist cleans each tooth using a set of dental picks, called scalers, and a small mirror. They clean under the gumline as well. They may have you rinse every so often with water to clean loose plaque and tartar.

  • Prophy paste cleaning: The hygienist applies a gritty toothpaste called prophy paste with a high-powered electric toothbrush. They may let you choose between a couple of flavors. The grittiness helps scrub your teeth to clean any remaining material and polish the teeth. Hygienists often work the fronts and backs of your upper and lower teeth one at a time, rinsing each one before proceeding to the next.

  • Flossing: The hygienist flosses each tooth to remove any material between them. Their expertise and outside perspective help them catch anything you missed and notice gum sensitivity. They can also provide flossing tips.

  • Rinsing: The hygienist gives you a fluoride rinse to rinse out any remaining material and finish cleaning your teeth.

  • Dentist check: The hygienist calls in the dentist, who goes over your teeth again and examines any X-rays you took during the appointment. They’ll tell you how things look and let you know if any concerning signs are present.

The whole process may take 30 minutes to an hour, depending on a few factors:

  • How busy the dental office is
  • How fast the hygienist or dentist works
  • The amount of cleaning needed
  • Whether you’re due for annual X-rays
  • Other issues you’d like to discuss

Can I get a dental cleaning without insurance?

You may still be able to get dental cleanings without insurance since these are some of the most common services dentists offer. However, you must pay out of pocket to get a dental cleaning without insurance. You’ll pay on the day of service before or after the cleaning.

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How much does a dental cleaning cost without insurance?

Dental cleanings without insurance can cost an average of $104.2 Costs can vary by many factors, such as:

  • Location: Dentists in areas with high living costs, such as urban areas, may charge more.

  • Office type: Private dental practices may charge more than chains, which charge more than community clinics.

  • Clinic reputation: Top-ranked or specialty offices may charge more for cleanings.

  • Dental professional experience: Dentists with more experience may charge more for cleanings.

  • Additional services: If additional services are needed, you’ll have to pay extra.

How much does a dental cleaning cost with insurance?

Most dental plans operate using the same benefit structure, meaning they typically cover treatment for:3

  • Preventative care
  • Basic services
  • Major services

Dental cleanings are preventative care, and the general recommendation is to get routine cleanings twice per year. Therefore, the typical dental plan covers the total cost of two cleanings annually with a dentist within your insurance network. For more than two cleanings, you’ll have to pay out of pocket.

Furthermore, cleanings from dentists that are out-of-network you may receive less coverage depending on your dental plan. This means you may have to pay partially or entirely out of pocket for out-of-network cleanings.

Deep cleaning vs. routine cleaning

Routine and deep cleanings focus on removing plaque, tartar, and other debris from your mouth to protect your teeth and gums. However, the specific role they play differs, along with other aspects of each:

  • Purpose: Routine cleanings remove general plaque and tartar buildup on teeth and just below the gumline. Deep cleanings help treat gum disease and remove buildup deeper under the gumline.

  • Procedure: Routine cleanings involve scaling, polishing, and flossing. Deep cleaning is more focused and involves scaling and root planing, the smoothening of teeth roots, and removal of infected sections.

  • Length: Each routine cleaning requires a single visit of 30 minutes to one hour. Deep cleaning may involve multiple visits for the whole mouth, each focusing on one quarter of the mouth.

  • Frequency: Most people receive routine cleanings once every six months. Deep cleanings are performed only as needed when gum disease is present.

  • Cost: Routine cleanings generally cost less than deep cleanings since they are purely preventative, less complex, and require fewer visits per procedure.

Get a dental insurance quote today

Dental cleanings are crucial to your oral health routine, just like brushing and flossing. Fortunately, they are only needed twice a year and are generally quite affordable. This may cause you to forego dental insurance to save money, but keep in mind that if the dentist discovers major concerns, procedures to fix those concerns can add up quickly.

Aflac’s dental insurance offers affordable premiums with coverage on many dental procedures, including routine cleanings. Speak with an agent today for more details and to get a quote.

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