We care about Aflac’s policyholders affected by the recent weather:
To help provide relief for California policyholders residing in Santa Cruz County who were affected by the coastal storms, Aflac will provide a premium grace period starting Dec. 23, 2024, and ending Apr. 15, 2025. This grace period also provides an extension of filing deadlines for claims and leniency for any other action required under the policy. Aflac will provide a replacement copy of the policy upon request by the policyholder.
For Network Dental and Vision Members:
This grace period also provides an extension of filing deadlines for claims; relaxation of prior authorization, precertification, and referral requirements; access to appropriate out-of-network providers due to unavailability on in-network providers or the members’ displacement; and leniency for any other action required under the certificate. A replacement copy of the certificate will be provided upon request by the certificate holder. Affected members should contact Aflac Benefit Solutions (formerly Argus Dental and Vision) at 855-819-1873, Option 1, for assistance.
We care about Aflac’s policyholders affected by the recent wildfires:
To help provide relief for California policyholders residing in Los Angeles and Ventura Counties affected by the wildfires, Aflac will provide a premium grace period starting Jan. 7, 2025, and ending Mar. 10, 2025. This grace period also provides an extension of filing deadlines for claims and leniency for any other action required under the policy. Aflac will provide a replacement copy of the policy upon request by the policyholder.
For Network Dental and Vision Members:
This grace period also provides an extension of filing deadlines for claims; relaxation of prior authorization, precertification, and referral requirements; access to appropriate out-of-network providers due to unavailability on in-network providers or the members’ displacement; and leniency for any other action required under the certificate. A replacement copy of the certificate will be provided upon request by the certificate holder. Affected members should contact Aflac Benefit Solutions (formerly Argus Dental and Vision) at 855-819-1873, Option 1, for assistance.
Your confirmation number is F-3310590.
If you have any questions regarding your request, contact us at addbenefits@aflac.com
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Accident (36000 series)
In Arkansas, Policies A36100AR-A36400AR, & A363OFAR. In Delaware, Policies A36100DE-A36400DE, & A363OFDE. In Idaho, Policies A36100ID-A36400ID, & A363OFID. In New York, Policies NY36100-NY36400. In Oklahoma, Policies A36100OK-A36400OK, & A363OFOK. In Oregon, Policies A36100OR-A36400OR, & A363OFOR. In Pennsylvania, Policies A36100PA-A36400PA. In Texas, Policies A36100TX-A36400TX, & A363OFTX. In Virginia, Policies A36100VA-A36400VA, & A363OFVA.
Accident (37000 series)
In Arkansas, Policy A37000AR. In Delaware, Policies A371AA & A371BA. In Idaho, Policy A37000ID. In New York, Policy NY37000. In Oklahoma, Policy A37000OK. In Oregon, Policy A37000OR. In Pennsylvania, Policy A37000PA. In Texas, Policy A37000TX. In Virginia, Policies A371AAVA & A371BAVA.
Lump Sum Cancer (72200 series)
In Arkansas, Policy A72200AR. In Delaware, Policy A72200. In Idaho, Policy A72200ID. In New York, Policy NYR72200. In Oklahoma, Policy A72200OK, In Oregon, Policy A72200ORR. In Texas, Policy A72200TX. In Virginia, Policy A72200VA.
Cancer (75000 series)
In Virginia, Policies A75100VA through A75300VA.
Cancer (76000 series)
In Pennsylvania, Policy A76100PA.
Cancer (78000 series)
In New York, Policies, NY78100-NY78400. In Oregon, A78100OR-A78400OR.
Cancer (B70000 series)
In Arkansas, Policies B70100AR, B70200AR, B70300AR, B7010EPAR, B7020EPAR. In Delaware, Policies B70100DE, B70200DE & B70300DE. In Idaho, Policies B70100ID, B70200ID, B70300ID, B7010EPID, B7020EPID. In Oklahoma, Policies B70100OK, B70200OK, B70300OK, B7010EPOK, B7020EPOK. In Oregon, Policies B70100OR, B70200OR, B70300OR, B7010EPOR, B7020EPOR. In Pennsylvania, Policies B70100PA, B70200PA, B70300PA. In Texas, Policies B70100TX, B70200TX, B70300TX, B7010EPTX, B7020EPTX.
Lump Sum Critical Illness (73100 series)
In Arkansas, Policies A73100AR & A7310HAR. In Delaware, Policies A73100DE & A7310HDE. In New York, Policy NY72100. In Oklahoma, Policies A73100OK & A7310HOK. In Oregon, Policies A73100OR & A7310HOR. In Pennsylvania, Policy A73100PA & A7310HPA. In Texas, Policies A73100TX & A7310HTX. In Virginia, Policy A73100VA.
Lump Sum Critical Illness (B71000 series)
In Arkansas, Policies B71100AR & B7110HAR. In Delaware, Policies B71100, B71200, B7130H & B7140H. In Oklahoma, Policies B71100OK & B7110HOK. In Oregon, Policies B71100OR & B7110HOR. In Pennsylvania, Policies B71100PA & B7110HPA. In Texas, Policies B71100TX & B7110HTX.
Life (68000 series)
In Arkansas, Idaho, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas, & Virginia, Policies: ICC1368100, ICC1368200, ICC1368300, ICC1368400. In Delaware, Policies A68100-A68400. In New York, NY68100-NY68400.
Juvenile Life (65000 series)
In Virginia, Policies ICC0965JTO & ICC0965JWO.
Juvenile Life (B61000 series)
In Arkansas, Idaho, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas, & Virginia, Policies: ICC18B61JWO & ICC18B61JTO. In Delaware, Policies B61JWO, B61JTO.
Term & Whole Life (B60000 series)
In Arkansas, Idaho, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Texas, & Virginia, Policies: ICC18B60C10, ICC18B60100, ICC18B60200, ICC18B60300, & ICC18B60400.
Group Whole Life (Q60000 series)
In Arkansas, Delaware & Oregon, Policy Q60100M. In Idaho Policy Q60100MID. In Oklahoma, Policy Q60100MOK. In Pennsylvania, Policy Q60100MPA. In Texas, Policy Q60100MTX.
Group Term Life (Q60000 series)
In Delaware, Policies Q60200M. In Arkansas, Idaho, Oklahoma, Oregon & Texas, Policies ICC18Q60200M, ICC18Q60300C, ICC18Q60400C.
Dental (81000 series)
In Arkansas, Policies A81100AR-A81400AR. In Delaware, Policies A81100-A81400. In Idaho, Policies A81100ID-A81400ID. In New York, Policies NY81100-NY81400.In Oklahoma, Policies A81100OK-A81400OK.In Oregon, Policies A81100OR-A81400OR.In Pennsylvania, Policies A81100PA-A81400PA.In Texas, Policies A81100TX-A81400TX.In Virginia, Policies A81100VA-A81200VA.
Dental (82000 series)
In Arkansas, Policies A82100RAR-A82400RAR. In Delaware, Policies A82100R-A82400R. In Idaho, Policies A82100RID-A82400RID. In New York, Policies NY82100-NY82400. In Oklahoma, Policies A82100ROK-A82400ROK. In Oregon, Policies A82100ROR-A82400ROR. In Pennsylvania, Policies A82100RPA-A82400RPAR. In Texas, Policies A82100RTX-A82400RTX. In Virginia, Policies A82100RVA-A82400RVA.
This is a brief product overview only. Coverage may not be available in all states. Benefits/premium rates may vary based on plan selected. Optional riders may be available at an additional cost. Plans and riders may also contain a waiting period. Refer to the exact plans and riders for benefit details, definitions, limitations and exclusions. For availability and costs, please contact your local Aflac agent/producer.
Coverage is underwritten by American Family Life Assurance Company of Columbus. In New York, coverage is underwritten by American Family Life Assurance Company of New York.
Aflac WWHQ | 1932 Wynnton Road | Columbus, GA 31999
Aflac New York | 22 Corporate Woods Boulevard, Suite 2 | Albany, NY 12211
Accident (T37000 Series) Not available in New York or Virginia.
In Arkansas, Policy T37000ARR. In Delaware, Policy T37000. In Idaho, Policies T37100IDR, T37200IDR, & T37300IDR. In Oregon, Policy T37000OR. In Oklahoma, Policy T37000OK. In Pennsylvania, Policies T37000PA, T37300PA, & T37500PA. In Texas, Policy T37000TX. In Virginia, Policies T37100VA, T37200VA, T37300VA, T37400VA, T37600VA.
Cancer/Specified-Disease (T70000 Series) Not available in New York.
In Arkansas, Policy T70000ARR. In Delaware, Policy T70000. In Idaho, Policy T70000ID. In Oklahoma, Policy T70000OK. In Oregon, Policy T70000OR. In Pennsylvania, Policies T70000PA, T7000GPA. In Texas, Policy T70000TX. In Virginia, policies T70000VA & T70000GVA.
Critical Illness (T71000 Series) Not available in Idaho or New York.
In Arkansas, Policy T71100ARR. In Delaware, Policy T71000. In Oklahoma, Policy T71000OK. In Oregon, Policy T71000OR. In Pennsylvania, Policies T71100PA-T71400PA. In Texas, Policy T71000TXR. In Virginia, Policy T71100VA.
Dental, Vision, Hearing (DVH) (T80000 Series) Not available in New Jersey, New York, or Virginia. In Arkansas, Policy T80000AR. In Delaware, Policy T80000. In Idaho, Policy T80000ID. In Oklahoma, Policy T80000OK. In Oregon, Policy T80000OR. In Pennsylvania, Policy T80000PA-DEN ONLY; T8000PA-DVH. In Texas, Policy T80000TX & T8000TXR. Dental claims are administered by Aflac Benefits Solutions, Inc. Vision claims are administered by EyeMed Vision Care, LLC. Hearing claims are administered by Nations Hearing.
NOTICE: The coverage offered is not a qualified health plan (QHP) under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) and is not required to satisfy essential health benefits mandates of the ACA. The coverage provides limited benefits.
Final Expense (Life)
In Arkansas, Delaware, Idaho, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas, & Virginia, Policies ICC21-AFLLBL21 and ICC21-AFLRPL21; and Riders ICC21-AFLABR22, ICC21-AFLADB22, and ICC21-AFLCDR22.
This is a brief product overview only. Coverage may not be available in all states. Benefits/premium rates may vary based on plan selected. Optional riders may be available at an additional cost. Plans and riders may also contain a waiting period. Refer to the exact plans and riders for benefit details, definitions, limitations and exclusions. For availability and costs, please contact your local Aflac agent/producer.
Aflac’s family of insurers include Aflac, Aflac New York, Continental American Insurance Company, and Tier One Insurance Company.
Coverage is underwritten by Tier One Insurance Company.
Aflac WWHQ | Tier One Insurance Company | 1932 Wynnton Road | Columbus, GA 31999.